It Takes A Village...

YOU’RE INVITED! To what? Well to the musical, of course!
Montezuma’s fall musical never disappoints. Opening weekend was a big success thanks to everyone coming together to keep the standards high for the performances. From community members and school staff helping to make sets and costumes to the friends and family of the school showing up to support the production of Cinderella on the newly renovated stage.

The fun isn’t over yet! Come see all of the excitement for yourself in the last two performances on November 16th & 17th. Saturday begins at 7PM and Sunday at 3PM. Tickets are $8 and can be bought when you get there.
Let me reiterate: if you haven’t seen it yet, you NEED to see it. If you have already, you might as well cancel your weekend plans and go again, because its just that good.
The students and adults that are involved have put in so much work into putting on a great show and they love having the opportunity to show off their talents.

WHEN you do go see it, show your support by laughing (when its funny, because there are plenty of comical moments), clapping, and telling them how great they did after the curtain call!
See you there! (SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th @ 7PM - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th @ 3PM...bring your $8).
